KESAB environmental solutions has a number of education resources available for teachers to implement waste learning and management programs within their classrooms:
Let's be waste warriors! reduce, reuse, recycle
Australian curriculum-aligned lesson ideas and accompanying activity sheets relating to the topic of waste and recycling.
Find out more Let's be waste warriors! reduce, reuse, recycle
Mini Bin Game
A sorting game to help schools, councils and community groups learn which items belong in each bin.
Papermaking kit
Papermaking is a fun and simple activity. This kit enables participants to produce their own hand-made recycled paper.
Green Adelaide loan library
Green Adelaide has equipment available to hire only to education institutions in the Green Adelaide region.
Food costumes
KESAB has a range of fun costumes to engage and educate people about composting food scraps.
Litter posters
KESAB have a number of anti-litter posters available for schools and communities.