East Waste Schools Program

Announcing the Winner of the Video Competition: St Francis of Assisi School

Runner Up: Magill School

Congratulations to all involved!

East Waste

The East Waste Schools Program provides an opportunity to learn about sustainability through creative and hands-on experiences relating to waste management. KESAB will work with a school from each Council, developing and delivering tailored activities including:

  • Wipe Out Waste audit and re-audit
  • Staff professional development
  • Tailored sessions to support conscious behaviours
  • Student-produced video for community education

Student-produced Video

As part of the program, students are challenged to create a short video (may be in the form of a song, rap, poem or play) to reflect learnings and engage the wider community. The site is expected to support student-led video creation, with guidance provided by KESAB.

Parental consent is required for videos to be shared publicly.

Curriculum links

Video project learnings and curriculum links include:

Media Arts:

F-2: Use media technologies; Create and present media artworks.

3-4: Plan, create, present media for specific purposes.

5-6: Develop skills with media technologies; Plan, produce, present for specific purposes.


F-6: Questioning, researching, communicating.


F-2: Biological Sciences: Living things have basic needs, Living things in environments, Living things grow and change; Chemical Sciences: Material properties, Changes, Materials can be combined for purposes; Earth and Space Sciences: Resources.

3-4: Biological Sciences: Living things depend on their environment; Chemical Sciences: Natural and processed materials.

5-6: Biological Sciences: Living things affected by the conditions of their environment; Chemical Sciences: Reversible and irreversible changes.

KESAB acknowledges the student-produced video concept is based on ‘Resource Rhymes,’ a resource education program by Sarah Bruns.

Important dates

22 November 2024 – Nominations close

Week 8, Term 4 – Successful schools advised

Week 0, 2025 – KESAB and successful schools commence planning