KESAB has strongly advocated the implementation of increased ability to expiate litterers through a public reporting system and supported the Local Nuisance and Litter Control Bill.
Dob in a Litterer enforcement legislation was implement in February 2017 and the first full year of operation resulted in 1,700 reports being received and expiated showing total income of $318,883 for the period.
Outcomes were mixed when compared with similar interstate litter enforcement initiatives (Vic, NSW, WA) which achieve considerably higher success rates and earnings from expiation income.
SUMMARY | TOTAL FEB 2017 – JUN 2018 |
Reports and expiations | |
Reports received | 1,706 |
Able to progress | 1,343 |
Unable to progress | 363 |
Warning letters | 316 |
Expiations | 1,027 |
Expiation values | $318,833 |
Percentages | |
Cigarette butt total | 79.08% |
Beverage container | 3.19% |
Fast food packaging | 3.84% |
Green waste | 0.16% |
General / paper | 12.99% |
North | 28.86% |
South | 23.64% |
East | 8.02% |
West | 22.16% |
Central | 8.68% |
Regional | 3.97% |