Khangarid Rotary Club members with translated language Litter Less Resource
Teachers, Students and Khangarid Rotary Club Members receiving Litter Less Certificates
Judging models for recycled artwork competition
KESAB’s litter focused education resource ‘Litter Less’ continues to thrive in South Australia and makes its mark in Mongolia!
The Litter Less resource provides students with authentic learning contexts in which to understand and respond to litter and littering issues, and is presented as six inquiry questions, which are separated into three interconnected themes and delivered over 12 lessons.
Litter Less aims to embrace local, national and global contexts, while considering the environmental, social and economic impacts of littering. KESAB has been working closely with the Khangarid Rotary Club, to introduce the Litter Less resource to University students, teachers and school students in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
During the most recent visit, KESAB staff and Khangarid Rotary Club members met with key representatives from the Ministry of Education, Dept. Culture and Science, the Mongolian National Recycling Association and the Ministry of Environment and Tourism to introduce the Litter Less resource and discuss methods of school and community engagement in environmental sustainability education.
Following translation of the resource to Mongolian, teachers at School 9 in Ulaanbaatar have been delivering Litter Less to their students. Teachers have noted a reduction in litter around the school site and have organised competitions to encourage students to create artwork and useful items from recycled materials.
The Litter Less resource was delivered by Keep Australia Beautiful New South Wales and on an international scale was also adopted by Keep New Zealand Beautiful under the ‘Tidy Kiwi’ brand.
Waste management and recycling training
In South Australia Litter Less was again delivered to the Marine Discovery Centre aiming to engage students to think about what litter is, where it is found and how it moves in the environment.
The Litter Less microsite had over 4,000 page views since July 2017, with the Larry Litter Story and Unit of Work proving to be popular pages to visit for litter education.
Real World Cards, Unit of Work and Lunchbox Images were the most commonly downloaded PDFs. The microsite can be accessed
KESAB is developing the next phase of Litter Less with objectives to integrate litter education in other Australian states and overseas especially relative to marine debris and plastic in the ocean.
The Litter Less package is a valuable educational resource developed with the support of Mars Wrigley Confectionary.