Litter Less in the Classroom

The Litter Less incursion focusses on awareness, understanding and actioning of littering issues at school and in the community.

The Litter Less incursion was trialled on Friday, 22 March 2019 with 28 year 4 students at Black Forest Primary School. Following an introduction and discussion about litter, waste and recycling, and their impacts on the environment, students carried out a sample litter audit at their site with the guidance of a KESAB Waste Education Officer. Students looked at the results of the sample litter audit to identify the types of litter found, litter hotspots and to consider bin placement. Students could then develop an action plan to reduce litter in their school.

The session was well received with students noticeably shocked by the amount of litter found during the sample litter audit and enthusiastic to share their findings with the rest of the school.

The Litter Less microsite had over 2,000 page views in 12 months, with the Larry Litter Story and Unit of Work proving to be popular pages to visit for litter education. Real World Cards, Unit of Work was the most commonly downloaded PDF.

The microsite can be accessed at:

KESAB is developing the next phase of Litter Less and aims to integrate litter education, especially related to marine debris and plastic in the ocean, in other Australian states/territories and overseas.

The Litter Less package is a valuable educational resource developed with the support of Mars Wrigley Confectionary.

Image taken from Larry Litter story
Image taken from Larry Litter story