This year, KESAB was a sponsor of the World Environment Fair held on 2 and 3 June 2018 at the Adelaide Showground. The event attracted over 10,000 visitors, had more than 90 exhibitors and two stages with full programs and interesting speakers across the weekend.
As part of KESAB sponsorship we undertook four bin audits over the weekend.
Two bin stations were audited on both the Saturday and Sunday: one outside the main eating area (Main) and the second outside the Café in the foyer between the two pavilions. The Main bin set had 4 bins: Organics, 10c beverage containers, Landfill and a Detpak Recycle Me bin (Detpak recyclable coffee cups were trialled at the event with specially marked cups and bins). The Café had 3 bins: Organics, 10c containers and Recycle Me, but no Landfill bin. On both days, the Main bins were collected at 12:45pm for a 1pm audit and the Café bins were collected at 2:20pm for a 2:30pm audit, this was in order to gather materials at peak times.
On the Saturday, 48% of the contents were diverted to landfill. 25% was organic (including food scraps, compostable wares and compostable paper), 13% was clean soft plastic (plastic film most likely from exhibitors) which could have been collected separately for recycling and 13% was mixed recyclables (tuna cans, yoghurt containers, exhibitor packaging).
On the Sunday, 60% of the contents audited were landfill material. 26% was compostable, 11% was Detpak coffee cups, 2% lids (separated), and 1% was clean soft plastic.
A breakdown of the landfill bin at the Main eating area by volume (L) audited on the 2nd of June (Saturday). OTHER primarily was wet wipes, but also twine, tape backing and zip ties.
Organics Bin (Main and Café bin stations)
Of the Main eating area bins, 93% of the contents were compostable. The only contamination was the Detpak cups and lids. Of the Café bins (which did not have a landfill bin nearby), 89% was compostable (20% paper/card), with contamination including packaging, regular coffee cups, recyclable material, and Detpak cups and lids.
A breakdown of the organics bin at the Main eating area by volume (L). Combined audit data from the 2nd and 3rd of June (Saturday and Sunday).
10c container Bin (Main and Café bin stations)
A total of 69 10c containers were found during audits of both bin stations on both days. Contamination included a cardboard box, 2 ice cream waxed tubs, 1 reusable container, 3 small wine tasting glasses. All 10c containers had lids and straws still attached.
A breakdown of the 10c container bin by volume (L). Combined audit data from both bins stations (Café and Main) from the 2nd and 3rd of June (Saturday and Sunday).
Detpak Recycle Me Bin (Main and Café bin stations)
A total of 147 cups and 77 lids were recycled in the Detpak bins audited. Of this, 10 cups still had their lids on. Contamination included 1 regular coffee cup, 1 smoothie cup, compostable cutlery/tissues and some wrappers, nearly all of which were in the Café bin.
A breakdown of the Detpak Recycle Me bin by volume (L). Combined audit data from the 2nd and 3rd of June (Saturday and Sunday). Note- only the Main Detpak bin was audited on the Sunday, as the Café bin was removed.
Conclusion and Recommendations
Wipe Out Waste at World Environment Fair
At the bin station without a landfill bin (near the Café), the organics bin was far more contaminated than the bin station with a landfill bin (consistent with other bin stations around the Fair). As many families were bringing in food and drink from outside the Fair, there was a reasonable amount of non-compostable packaging to be disposed of.
There was also some confusion around the Detpak cups, with some people clearly thinking they were compostable cups rather than recyclable (this could perhaps be because all other wares at the Fair were compostable).
KESAB’s involvement at the World Environment Fair also included the Wipe Out Wizard stage show, with six shows across the weekend. These were well attended by families and the kids loved the opportunity to get on stage with the Wizard!