Wipe Out Waste is a project funded by Green Industries SA and delivered by KESAB environmental solutions.
Wipe Out Waste is a waste reduction initiative for education sites in SA from preschool through to secondary sites (and occasionally tertiary) which provides resources to support whole site communities to reduce materials to landfill and increase resource recovery.
This year, the WOW Less to Landfill Challenge mini bins featured with ABC TVs War on Waste at Star of the Sea school, and received over 390,000 Facebook views.
Wipe Out Waste and NRM Education join the 'War on Waste' film crew in Adelaide
WOW Recognition Category – 2017 | Site or Recipient Name |
Outstanding contribution to school and community education. | Gowrie SA, E-cycle, Jeffries, Peats Soils, VISY, Cleanaway, ARR for ongoing support with tours for education sites and community. |
Department for Education – Asset Policy and Environmental Resources team for supporting sites to reduce landfill materials and collection frequencies. | |
Contributing the smallest volume of materials per person sent to landfill. | Eden Hills Kindergarten – a new lowest benchmark at 0.004L/person/day |
Great reduction in materials to landfill for Early Years sites. | Waite Campus Childrens Centre – 42% reduction on very little! |
Gladigau Park Kindergarten – 74% reduction since 2014 audit. | |
St Helen’s Park Kindergarten – 82% reduction since 2005 audit. | |
Greatest reduction in materials to landfill for a Primary School site. | Star of the Sea School – 99% reduction since 2005 audit and 80% reduction in last two terms to generate less than one wheelie bin per week for over 500 students and staff! |
Great reduction in materials to landfill for Primary School sites. | Paringa Park Primary School – 60% reduction since 2015 audit. |
St Catherine’s School – 45% reduction since 2015 audit. | |
Torrensville Primary School – 60% reduction since 2015 audit and reduction of one landfill skip collection per week! |
Here are some of the many highlights of WOW activities during the year.
Wipe Out Waste at World Environment Fair
- 20 professional development (PD) sessions, attended by over 400 staff from more than 130 sites.
- 28 Wally and the WOW Wizard (WOW show) performances conducted at 33 sites for over 5,000 people and at the World Environment Fair in June.
- Supported with the Department for Education (DE) STEM School Ambassadors Program to present to 140 students from 20 sites, many whose projects focussed on waste reduction at their site.
- Regional visits with audits, shows and staff PD to Yorke Peninsula and Upper South East.
- Partnering with DE on specific site audits, assessments and follow up to inform future policy.
- Youth Environment Council (YEC) 20th Anniversary – where many past YEC members recalled the influence of KESAB and WOW, with some going on to work with us!
- Supporting Limestone Coast LGA’s Schools Waste Challenge with timing of WOW visits. Tenison Woods College in Mount Gambier is now collecting 250kg each week for composting, supported by local council following a WOW audit with results presented to staff and students.
- Addition of a parent presentation at Clarence Park Kindergarten to the WOW video clips.
- Sharing the Easter Foil Challenge page created by St Anthony’s Millicent and how well their systems work.
- Bad acting as the ‘bin police’ for BTN