KESAB have a number of anti-litter posters available for communities and schools.
These posters were designed by third year creative design students from Tea Tree Gully TAFE campus.
Request a poster
Cost of purchase: |
Purchase requests: | To order litter posters, please complete the poster request form or contact KESAB on 08 8234 7255. |
Waste information posters
KESAB is pleased to provide generic material management posters for download/private printing. These can be utilised with the KESAB litter bins or as stand-alone education.
Please note that materials and processing can be unique to Council areas, therefore the images are generic and not exhaustive.
Please familiarise yourself with your areas specific requirements via the Which Bin information.
Historical posters
KESAB is proud to have a long history of litter awareness campaigns since our inception in 1966. Here is a selection of some of our historical posters.